Tag: Mohan Yadav
मां से लिपटकर बोली मासूम दाढ़ी वाले अंकल ने किया गलत...
Clung to her mother and said that the innocent bearded uncle had done a wrong thing, ruckus in MP over the rape of an...
सोशल मीडिया पर BJP की ‘मोदी का परिवार मुहिम ,अमित शाह,...
BJP's 'Modi's family' campaign on social media, all BJP leaders including Amit Shah, Nadda changed bio to 'X', wrote 'Modi's family' in front of...
SDM ने महिला कर्मचारी से बंधवाए जूते के फीते,SDM को CM...
SDM tied the shoe laces of a female employee, CM Mohan took action to remove the SDM, said - Women's respect is paramount in...
मध्य प्रदेश का सस्पेंस भी हुआ खत्म , मोहनलाल यादव बने...
The suspense of Madhya Pradesh also ended, Mohanlal Yadav became the new Chief Minister.
आखिरकार एक सप्ताह के मंथन के बाद मध्य प्रदेश विधानसभा के...