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Tag: Raipur police

देश का पहला FIR छत्तीसगढ़ में दर्ज, नये कानून के तहत...

The country's first FIR was registered in Chhattisgarh, action by Kabirdham and Raipur police under the new law... रायपुर/कबीरधाम। छत्तीसगढ़ में नए कानून के तहत...

महाराष्ट्र में बैठकर चला रहे थे IPL में ऑनलाइन सट्टा,पुणे से...

They were running online betting in IPL while sitting in Maharashtra, 26 bookies arrested from Pune, big action in Mahadev App case रायपुर । ऑनलाइन...

बारात में चोरी करने वाले तीन चोर पकड़ाए,दूल्हे की बग्घी से...

Three thieves caught stealing during wedding procession, stole cash and gold and silver jewelery from the groom's carriage... within a few hours of complaint,...

राजनांदगांव से पीड़ित परिवार पहुंचा था रायपुर उपचार कराने IVF ऑपरेशन...

The victim's family from Rajnandgaon had reached Raipur for treatment. Woman died during IVF operation! Family's allegation - staff kept moving the dead body...