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ICU में ही खुद को गोली मार दे दी जान पत्नी...

After his wife's death from cancer, the IPS officer shot himself in the ICU and committed suicide गुवाहाटी: असम के होम सेक्रेटरी शिलादित्य चेतिया को...

पुलिस अभी तक बनी है चकरघिन्‍नी,अनवारुल अजीम के मर्डर में अब...

The police is still in Chakarghini, what revelations have been made so far in the murder of Anwarul Azim? Two men and a woman...

कारण जानकर खिसक जाएगी पैरों तले जमीन अजमेर में मदरसे के...

Knowing the reason, the ground will slip from under the feet. Madrasa children in Ajmer killed the Imam of Shahabad. अजमेर पुलिस ने कंचन नगर...

भाजपा ने TMC पर लगाया आरोप,बंगाल के हुगली में विस्‍फोट से...

BJP blames TMC, one teenager died, two seriously injured in explosion in Hooghly, Bengal; पश्चिम बंगाल के हुगली में सोमवार को बम धमाके में एक...

ज्‍योति गिरफ्तार, पिंकी-रोशन की तलाश जारी,करोलबाग में गुलखिला पहुंची गुजरात, पीछे...

Jyoti arrested, search for Pinky-Roshan continues, Gulkhila reached Gujarat in Karol Bagh, Delhi Police came from behind, police caught from Gujarat करोलबाग में गु‍लखिलाने के...

मां से लिपटकर बोली मासूम दाढ़ी वाले अंकल ने किया गलत...

Clung to her mother and said that the innocent bearded uncle had done a wrong thing, ruckus in MP over the rape of an...

कोचिंग छात्रा हुई लापता, NEET की तैयारी कर रही थी, PG...

Coaching student went missing, was preparing for NEET, had gone out to give PG test. Every month a student goes missing from Kota, family...

4 दिन की मासूम,दादी को बर्दाश्त नहीं हुई पोती,गला दबाकर ले...

Grandmother could not tolerate the 4-day-old innocent granddaughter, took the life of the newborn by strangulating her, the soul will tremble after knowing this मध्य...

बैंक वालों ने भी सोचा न था पैसे के लिए कोई...

Even the bankers did not think that someone could stoop so low for money, a woman took a man who had died hours ago...

छत्तीसगढ़ के इस जिले में मिला 3 करोड़ 80 लाख का...

Fake note of Rs 3 crore 80 lakh found in this district of Chhattisgarh, was carrying it hidden between sarees, one accused caught with...